4-19-23 - Prayer

 Heavenly Father, as I’m thinking about how Adam and Eve’s disobedience impacted the entire world, I’m also seeing how much I am like them. When they knew they had disobeyed and then heard You coming to spend time with them, they hid from You. How often I hide when I feel I want to avoid Your truth. I will find something else that needs to be done so I can continue pretending I don’t know I have disappointed You.

Then, like Adam, how often we try to blame someone else, even You, God, for times we have made decisions that have been wrong. Thank You for not letting me get away with it. I know I disappoint people often, but the only one whose opinion really matters, God, is You. Help me to act in a way that even if I let people down, even people I care about, I won’t let You down. Keep me focused on You and what You have for me to do. Help me point to You in all I do. Thank You that in every verse of Your word there is more to learn than we ever saw before.
In Jesus’ name.


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