Prayer - 4-1-23

Heavenly Father, as we are coming into the last week of Jesus' life, it is difficult to not be sad as I see these verses today where we can see He is constantly thinking about what is before Him. I can't imagine the stress He felt, but I know this is why He was sent from heaven. I have so many mixed emotions thinking about what we now call "Holy Week". The disciples had no idea what was coming, but in hindsight we see Jesus say things that help us know He knew exactly what was ahead. I am so sad for what He went through for us...for me! But at the same time, I am so overjoyed that I get to spend eternity with my Creator, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit, because of what Jesus did at the end of this week. Sometimes I think about Him being murdered, executed. A righteous and holy man, the only man without sin, tortured, beaten, and executed...for no reason. But I know, no one murdered Him. He gave His life. He not only gave His life, He gave it willingly. It wasn't something He wanted to do, but He was willing to take on all our sin, so we had a chance. Thank You Father for allowing us a way, where there really wasn't a way because of our own sin. Thank You for loving us, even those who wanted Him crucified, even those who struck Him with the whip, even those who nailed Him on that cross, even those who put vinegar to His lips as another way of mocking Him. Even those people...Jesus died to save. He died for the sins committed that day. he died for the sins committed today. But thankful that isn't the end of the story. It is just the beginning. Sunday morning is coming, so I won't let this week discourage me. Help me Father focus on the big picture of What You were doing for me. Help me focus on the day coming soon. Help me focus on You!
In Jesus' mighty name.



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