Prayer - 4-7-23

Heavenly Father, Name above all names, Glorious Lord. It is Good Friday, and I sit here and think again, as I do every year, why it was ever called "Good Friday"? I know ultimately it is for our good as Your children, but only because of Sunday morning that will be here very soon. I certainly would have called it something else, but You are God, and You are always right. I know that even things that seem horrible at the time, can be used for Your good and Your glory.
One good thing is that Jesus didn't have to suffer at the hands of the enemy any longer. Not that He had to suffer, but He chose to suffer for everyone. Those who would choose Him and those who reject Him. Those who loved Him and followed Him, and those who drive the spikes through His flesh into the wood. He died for us all.
Another good thing I can think of right now is the veil being torn in two from the top down. Only God could do that and it removed the separation between us and God. No longer do we need the High Priest to come to You to offer sacrifices for us. Thank You Father for allowing us to have a relationship with You. Thank You for loving us so much that You want us to know You. You already know more about us than we could ever know ourselves, but the opportunity to know You is beyond anything I could have hoped for. You are above all things, and you love us to the point that it is beyond what we thought love was. You teach us what love is. Without You, there is no love. Thank You Father, for that Good Friday so long ago. Without that day, we couldn't have had Easter Sunday and we couldn't come to know You as our Father, our Healer, our Creator, our Lord, and our Friend.
In Jesus' name.



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