October 23 – Exodus 27:20-21


October 23 – Exodus 27:20-21

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Exodus 27:20-21
20 “You shall command the people of Israel that they bring to you pure beaten olive oil for the light, that a lamp may regularly be set up to burn. 21 In the tent of meeting, outside the veil that is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening to morning before the Lord. It shall be a statute forever to be observed throughout their generations by the people of Israel.

I wonder what the significance of using olive oil and as described here, “pure beaten olive oil”?
Why did the lampstand burn continually?
I wonder if they kept it burning when they moved from place to place and how they moved it?
This wasn’t an easy task for sure that they would create, build, and then move all the furnishings as well as the tabernacle itself. I think about moving from one house to the next ever 10 years or so and I can’t imagine being on the move for 40 years.

Heavenly Father, every instruction You gave them on building the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant, the furniture for the tabernacle, and placement of each piece is important to You, so we look at it and study it and search for what You want to teach us. So many things I don’t understand, but I know there was a meaning to every single piece and how it was made as well as where it was to be placed and how it was to be moved. I do know that one thing I learn from these verses that we seldom seem to study is that we should treat You and everything about You with care, love, and a great deal of respect. You created us with a sense of humor, so I know there is a time for laughter as well as tears. You tell us that in Your word. But I know that when we are talking about things that relate to worshiping You, we are to take those things extremely serious and have reverence as we do. I think about how most of the time when I talk to You I forget to tell You how amazing You are. I know I need to do better at showing my love and adoration to You. You know You are amazing, but I need to also let You know that I know it as well in a huge way and that it is important to me that You know that. Help me do a better job at telling You how very much I love You. Thank You, Father, for who You are and how You love me so much. I can’t begin to deserve Your love, but I am very thankful for it.
In Jesus’ name.


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