Holy Week Thursday 2024


Holy Week Thursday 2024

It is believed on Thursday of this Holy Week, or Passion Week, Christ gathered His disciples for a meal.  What would be Christ’s last meal and referred to now as the Lord’s Supper or the Last Supper.  It has become a time of remembering our Messiah and the sacrifice He made for us. 

But let’s talk about breaking bread with others, as Christ did at this last supper.  Do we generally gather with those we don’t know well or don’t really care about for a holiday feast like Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter?  Not generally.  We typically spend those special days with special people.  We typically don’t have meals with people that aren’t special to us, but especially those big meals that are celebratory. 

Jesus knew this was going to be His last meal and made it special for those He loved.  He washed their feet, reclined at the table with them and had fellowship with them, because these were the most important people in His ministry and in His life.  One of those at this special dinner was the one who would betray Him, and He knew it and knew who it was. 

How often would you consider one in the process of betraying you as someone special and worthy of a place at a special dinner?  I doubt many would allow them in the house for a single bite, much less a place at the table. 

Jesus not only had a special place for Judas at the table, He washed His feet, broke bread with Him, and then Jesus went and died for Him.

When you see people that you don’t know, or that you don’t like, don’t forget, Jesus died for them too.


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