April 21– Ruth 3:1-5

April 21– Ruth 3:1-5

Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, “My daughter, should I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you? Is not Boaz our relative, with whose young women you were? See, he is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor. Wash therefore and anoint yourself, and put on your cloak and go down to the threshing floor, but do not make yourself known to the man until he has finished eating and drinking. But when he lies down, observe the place where he lies. Then go and uncover his feet and lie down, and he will tell you what to do.” And she replied, “All that you say I will do.”


It appears that Naomi wanted Ruth to find a husband and in her own way, she had a plan that was honest and could bring about the marriage of her daughter- in-law. This man was a relative, Naomi knew he could be trusted and she intended to see that this marriage happened.

How do you think Ruth felt about this plan? She loved her mother-in-law and had willingly moved to a foreign land to take care of Naomi. Have you been unknowingly used of God to bring about his good and perfect plan? Be open and willing to serve Him today according to His good and perfect plan.


Heavenly Father, even when Your plan doesn’t make sense to me, help me to trust You and follow You.  I know Ruth had to have many questions as the traditions she was being exposed to were very different than those she had grown up with.  I know sometimes You ask us to do things that are out of our comfort zone.  Help me to be okay with what You ask and to clearly hear Your voice.  Help me hear and know Your truth.

In Jesus’ name.




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