Introducing a new ministry in the Brazos Valley:

God has put before us the opportunity to help residents of the Bryan/College Station area with household items, furniture, appliances, and other necessary items.
How did this ministry get started? With a need. We learned of a need for a bed and ended up with the opportunity to give a bed, bedding, a quilt, a TV, a coffee maker and a microwave to a woman who only had 2 recliners in her home and was sleeping in a recliner. Shortly after that we learned of a woman who needed help having her car inspected and tagged. We already have some folks who have offered to help move items with their truck and trailer and we've hardly shared that we exist.
How can you help? We are looking right now for the following:
=A free storage space to have the opportunity to keep things on hand and have them available when we are faced with the need.
-An attorney who is willing to help us file the proper documentation to become a non-profit organization and donate their normal fees. We will come up with the required government fees.
-Someone willing to donate their abilities creating a web page that we could easily maintain.
-Prayers that God will guide us and use us.
-Donations of furniture, bedding, small kitchen appliances, dishes, towels, home decor items, assistance items like wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, etc.
Most of the folks we are seeing in need are those that are retired and on a fixed income without the ability to work. Not that we are restricting our assistance to only these, but we are seeing the greatest need in this group and we want to fill the gap where we can.
If you have or know of a yard sale, estate sale, etc. that has items that fit the above and they would be willing to donate, please contact us at: 918-344-5656, or email at At this time we can't give a tax receipt, but we give you our thanks for keeping us in mind.
Please be watching for upcoming events to help us get the word out.
If you would like to help in this ministry or have some event ideas, please reach out.

With great thanks to Jesus and our supporters,
Lori Morgan


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