
Showing posts from February, 2025

February 4, 2025, 2 Kings 4:8-17

  February 4, 2025, 2 Kings 4:8-17 8  One day Elisha went on to Shunem, where a wealthy woman lived, who urged him to eat some food. So whenever he passed that way, he would turn in there to eat food.  9  And she said to her husband, “Behold now, I know that this is a holy man of God who is continually passing our way.  10  Let us make a small room on the roof with walls and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp, so that whenever he comes to us, he can go in there.” 11  One day he came there, and he turned into the chamber and rested there.  12  And he said to Gehazi his servant, “Call this Shunammite.” When he had called her, she stood before him.  13  And he said to him, “Say now to her, ‘See, you have taken all this trouble for us; what is to be done for you? Would you have a word spoken on your behalf to the king or to the commander of the army?’” She answered, “I dwell among my own peo...

February 3, 2025, 2 Kings 4:1-7

February 3, 2025, 2 Kings 4:1-7 4 Now the wife of one of the sons of the prophets cried to Elisha, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD, but the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.”  2  And Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me; what have you in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”  3  Then he said, “Go outside, borrow vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels and not too few.  4  Then go in and shut the door behind yourself and your sons and pour into all these vessels. And when one is full, set it aside.”  5  So she went from him and shut the door behind herself and her sons. And as she poured they brought the vessels to her.  6  When the vessels were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” And he said to her, “There is not another.” Then the oil stopped flowing....

February 2, 2025, 2 Kings 3:1-27

February 2, 2025, 2 Kings 3:1-27 3 In the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Jehoram the son of Ahab became king over Israel in Samaria, and he reigned twelve years.  2  He did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, though not like his father and mother, for he put away the pillar of Baal that his father had made.  3  Nevertheless, he clung to the sin of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin; he did not depart from it. 4  Now Mesha king of Moab was a sheep breeder, and he had to deliver to the king of Israel 100,000 lambs and the wool of 100,000 rams.  5  But when Ahab died, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel.  6  So King Jehoram marched out of Samaria at that time and mustered all Israel.  7  And he went and sent word to Jehoshaphat king of Judah: “The king of Moab has rebelled against me. Will you go with me to battle against Moab?” And he s...

February 1, 2025, 2 Kings 2:15-25

February 1, 2025, 2 Kings 2:15-25 15  Now when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho saw him opposite them, they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.” And they came to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.  16  And they said to him, “Behold now, there are with your servants fifty strong men. Please let them go and seek your master. It may be that the Spirit of the LORD has caught him up and cast him upon some mountain or into some valley.” And he said, “You shall not send.”  17  But when they urged him till he was ashamed, he said, “Send.” They sent therefore fifty men. And for three days they sought him but did not find him.  18  And they came back to him while he was staying at Jericho, and he said to them, “Did I not say to you, ‘Do not go’?” 19  Now the men of the city said to Elisha, “Behold, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees, but the water is bad, and the land is unfruitf...